Covid-19 Re-Opening Info


THE SPRUCE FAM IS BACK!!  :sparkles:
Thank you all for your patience while we navigate what reopening looks like for us.  As you know, we are in the business of close physical contact, and we want to be sure we have all protocols in place in order to keep both our team and our clients as safe as we can.  We have been working hard on a new reopening strategy, and if you know Spruce, we like to do things over the top and be overly cautious in order to be able to get back to having some GOOD. CLEAN. FUN.  We will be opening our books on May 18th for appointments starting on June 1st.
Thank you for waiting for us, and thank you to our team who are ready to take every precaution to keep us all safe.  Looking forward to see our clients again soon - be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for details about new guidelines we will be implementing, and new extended hours.
We are all stepping into a new time here, and a new way of doing things.  We can do this together with some patience and grace.
You can still purchase a gift card here or order our products here. We offer curbside pickup from 11-3 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

- Molly & The Spruce Fam





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